Fostering clinical excellence in musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice
MPE is committed to providing a professional, flexible learning environment, enabling clinicians to improve their assessment, treatment and management of patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction. An engaged clinician will learn to better manage both simple and complex patients under the expert guidance of specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapists
MPE philosophy
See what we are so passionate about and why we believe we are different
Teaching/mentoring at your clinic
We come to you. View the range of learning opportunities you or your staff may access within your physiotherapy, GP or psychology practice. Such will enable you to further develop your knowledge on a chosen topic and/or improve your assessment, diagnostic, treatment and management options in your chosen clinical area
About our educators
Learn more about the MPE clinical educators
MPE blog
MPE is committed to regular review of seminal papers from the world of musculoskeletal medicine. For those with time constraints, this will enable you to remain current in the ever-changing world of evidence-based medicine, without having to trawl through the literature. This blog includes concept review, clinical discussion and expert opinion